SVNH has been offering community food programs for over ten years. Food – being so closely related to joy and culture – is integrated into each SVNH program and helps create a warm, welcoming environment for people to connect and participate. As a Good Food Organization, SVNH is dedicated to building health, belonging, and social justice through the power of food.
There is something for everyone here, whether you want to eat good food, make friends, grow your leadership skills, or learn something new! We offer a wide variety of programs, including newcomer community kitchens, gardening for youth and children, intercultural meals, grocery and meal support for seniors and families, and more.
SVNH also leads the South Vancouver Neighbourhood Food Network (SVNFN) and is an active member of the Vancouver Neighbourhood Food Networks that advocate for food equity and justice. As a network of community members, service providers, and organizations, we contribute towards a more diverse and resilient food system for empowered residents of South Vancouver by collaborating on advocacy, shared resources, and programming.
Cultural Buddy Chefs
Cultural Buddy Chefs
Weekend food skills program for newcomer preteens to learn about nutrition, cooking, meet new friends, learn about cultural recipes, and develop their leadership skills under the mentorship of high school youth volunteers
Sundays at 2:00pm to 4:00pm
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House
Free with SVNH Membership
To register contact kathy.do@southvan.org or (604)-324-6212 EXT 121
Food Skills for Newcomer Youth
Food Skills for Newcomer Youth
Cooking group for newcomer youth who are permanent residents. Youth explore how to make healthy food from various cultures. Group members make and enjoy a family style meal at the end of each session, and have opportunities to lead the group in trying new recipes.
Sundays at 12:00pm to 3:00pm
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House - Kitchen
Free with SVNH Membership
To register contact felix.huang@southvan.org or (604)-324-6212 EXT 123
Mind Your Food
Mind Your Food
11-week program to promote positive mental health among youth by exploring the intersections of food, mind, culture, and belonging.
Saturdays from January 7 – March 11 at 1:00pm – 3:30pm
Free with SVNH Membership
To register contact hilary.tam@southvan.org or (604)-324-6212 EXT 159
South Vancouver Community Food Hub